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" Luca Leoncini had great knowledge and understanding. His commentaries were lucid and succinct, combining subtle wit with clear delivery. I am grateful for his guidance around these amazing sites. " Ravenna & Urbino - Byzantine capital, Renaissance court
" An excellent, well planned and enjoyable insight into the history and architecture of the island. " World Heritage Malta - with a day on Gozo
" Of all my many MRT trips this one must come near the top of my list – thank you – it was a really wonderful trip. " Versailles: Seat of the Sun King - The greatest palace & garden
" A terrific balance between countryside and historical centres. " Extremadura - Landscape, history and food in rural Spain
" A MRT trip is more than a vacation; it's an experience that will live on in our memories because it was so deeply satisfying. We like that there was no shopping, no beach time, no visits to jewelery makers or other time wasters. The tour was extremely academic: exactly what we wanted. " Medieval Burgundy - Abbeys and churches of the high Middle Ages

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