Featured Short Music & History events

" The music was spectacular – an amazing experience. " Verona Opera - lyric spectacle in the Veneto
" The itinerary was, as ever, very well though out and considered. I loved the evening visit in Ravenna with the private visit to San Vitale. " Ravenna & Urbino - Byzantine capital, Renaissance court
" I saw things I would never be able to see on my own. " - Byzantine capital, Renaissance court
" We had access to towns with absolutely spectacular and beautiful, unforgettable cathedrals, churches, palaces and art. " Courts of Northern Italy - Princely art of the Renaissance
" An enjoyable itinerary with an excellent local lecturer. A very happy group. Thank you. " Modern Art on the Côte d’Azur - Picasso, Matisse, Chagall and their contemporaries

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