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" Lecturer Carlo Corsato was very enthusiastic, full of knowledge and interesting ideas, and was very approachable. " Friuli-Venezia Giulia - The border lands of northeast Italy
" Consistently high quality of tour content, leadership and organisation. " Isambard Kingdom Brunel - Engineering modern Britain
" An excellent trip. I came because I knew little about the subject, now I am a budding Etruscologist! " The Etruscans - Italy before Rome
" An outstanding experience; very special, very unique and planned with great expertise and attention to detail and perfectly executed; the outcome of the overall experience is bigger that the individual aspect; life and culture enriching experience that will last. " Italian Design - Modernism in Turin and Milan
" This tour exceeded our expectations in every sense. Flawless leadership and erudition combined with precise attention to our comfort. " Roman & Medieval Provence - The south of France in the Middle Ages

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