Featured tours and events in Portugal

" The itinerary was wonderful: the choice of towns, monuments, and museums, as well as the sequence of visits... every single visit was contextualised and contributed to the overall story. " Courts of Northern Italy - Princely art of the Renaissance
" Our lecturer’s input was inspirational. She is excellent company in the evening. Another excellent holiday. " Flemish Painting - From van Eyck to Rubens: Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels
" After an initial look in the lengthy domed entrance area of St Mark's Basilica, we were asked to sit in the nave. The lights were extinguished and after a minute or so, began to gradually come on, one by one, first quite faint and then slowly increasing in intensity until we were all totally swathed in gold. " Venetian Palaces - The greatest and best-preserved palaces of La Serenissima

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