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" A splendid assortment of places, experiences, people, flavours of India. A fine overview on my first trip. " - Mediterranean crossroads: three thousand years of creativity
" An excellent mixture of gardens, villas, churches, small towns and walks in the countryside. " Fiesole to Lucca: Tuscany on foot - Country walks and Renaissance art
" An admirable itinerary: it took in most of the medieval sites in Normandy. " Medieval Normandy - Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance
" I am so favourably impressed by the Cathedrals of England tour. It met and exceeded my high expectations. " The Cathedrals of England - Ely, Lincoln, Durham, York, Coventry, Gloucester, Bristol, Wells, Salisbury, Winchester
" Excellent, very well thought out, a rich combination of the obvious places where people would want to go, combined with the unexpected. " Civilisations of Sicily - Mediterranean crossroads: three thousand years of creativity

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