Private groups led by expert speakers

This video was filmed on our Footpaths of Umbria tour in June 2023 and gives a flavour of what to expect on one of our holidays.

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" This was an extremely enjoyable tour and I learnt an enormous amount about Crete, the Minoan culture and the geography of this very beautiful island! " Minoan Crete - History and archaeology
" The itinerary was spot on; simply delightful. " Gardens & Villas of the Italian Lakes - Como and Maggiore
" Absolutely top notch. Sometimes I thought my head would explode from so much information, but everything she talked about was fascinating and well spiced with humour. " The Age of Bede - Anglo-Saxon Northumbria
" As a result of the tour, I want to go back to Berlin to see more. " Berlin, Potsdam, Dresden - Art and architecture in Brandenburg and Saxony
" We saw the most wonderful things and I was extremely impressed. " Palermo Revealed - Art, archaeology, architecture and gastronomy

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