Tours for small groups led by expert speakers

This video was filmed on our Footpaths of Umbria tour in June 2023 and gives a flavour of what to expect on one of our holidays.

Featured tours for small groups

" A fascinating tour. Well planned and the chance to see places it would be almost impossible to get into on your own made it very special. " Florentine Palaces - Defence, humanism, magnificence and beauty
" Incredibly high standard. Such different styles. Interesting, moving and uplifting. " Art History of Venice - Painting, sculpture and architecture in the world’s most beautiful city
" A brilliant lecturer whose enthusiasm for his subject was apparent and infectious. He was also extremely congenial and entertaining on the social side of the tour. " Courts of Northern Italy - Princely art of the Renaissance
" The mix of famous sites and less familiar ones was wonderful - this tour is superbly organised and I am astonished at how much you managed to include in the two weeks. " - Princely art of the Renaissance
" Excellent: a fine, utterly engaging blend of Muslim and Christian. " Istanbul Revealed - Byzantine and Ottoman metropolis

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