posted on 21/12/15
6–8pm, Thursday, 21st January 2016
The State Library of Victoria
6–8pm, Friday, 22nd January 2016
The University of Sydney
6–8pm, Saturday, 23rd January 2016
Hyatt Hotel Canberra
3–5pm, Sunday 24th January
GOMA | Gallery of Modern Art | Cinema B
Dr Greenbaum is a published author and historian specialising in Ming dynasty cultural history. He has been resident in Beijing since 2004 and is a Visiting Fellow in the School of Culture, History & Language at the Australian National University. He also leads our Essential China and China’s Silk Road Cities tours. In May 2017, he will lead Essential China in association with the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art.
If you would like to attend one of these events, please contact Kelly Ward or Stephanie Bourgeois on 1300 55 95 95 or by e-mail at by 10th January 2016. If you would like to attend the Brisbane event, please book online by 19th January 2016.
View itinerary for Essential China
View itinerary for China’s Silk Road Cities