Featured tours and events in Italy

" The venues, performers and concert programmes as well as the various excursions through the Normandy countryside and within Paris all contributed to a richly layered experience. The festival components were so well planned and so superbly executed that it ranks as the most absorbing an rewarding tour that I have had the pleasure of undertaking with MRT. " Music Along the Seine - Superb music in elegant châteaux and churches along France’s greatest river
" Luca Leoncini had great knowledge and understanding. His commentaries were lucid and succinct, combining subtle wit with clear delivery. I am grateful for his guidance around these amazing sites. " Ravenna & Urbino - Byzantine capital, Renaissance court
" 'Katy Hamilton was outstanding. Her lectures were of exceptional quality and the depth of her musical knowledge of the subject matter was superb.' " Music Along the Rhine - Outstanding music, beautiful countryside and historic towns along Germany’s principal river

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