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Cultural tours in England

Whether we’re exploring Chatsworth in the Peak District, celebrating the life and work of JMW Turner or enjoying a private choral recital in a Cotswolds church, expert lecturers and privileged access create an unrivalled sense of depth and perspicacity.

" The itinerary focused on many of the natural sites of Impressionism which made the study of the paintings both meaningful and memorable. " Monet & Impressionism - Paintings and places in Paris and Normandy
" The program was a nice mix of scenic and architectural and cultural activities – it was a special treat to be at the museum in Genoa that Luca directs and an equal treat to be at the Museum in La Spezia. " The Ligurian Coast - Arts, history and scenery on the Riviera di Levante
" I loved the experience and had a wonderful time – this was a bucket list trip and it was exceptional! " Palladian Villas - The greatest house builder in history

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