Private groups led by expert speakers

This video was filmed on our Footpaths of Umbria tour in June 2023 and gives a flavour of what to expect on one of our holidays.

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" An excellent mixture of gardens, villas, churches, small towns and walks in the countryside. " Fiesole to Lucca: Tuscany on foot - Country walks and Renaissance art
" I thoroughly enjoyed my holiday. For me, it offered everything I anticipated in the walking and art but, also, my fellow travellers were good company. I will certainly maintain contact with one or two of them who seemed to be kindred spirits. " Footpaths of Umbria - Walks, art and wine between Arezzo and Assisi
" John is obviously very authoritative and can explain all of the places we visited in an interesting and informative manner. " Basilicata & Calabria - Italy’s undiscovered south
" For me this was a life-enhancing tour which has left me with so many vivid memories that will forever hold me in their thrall. It was perfect in every detail. " Frank Lloyd Wright - and the Chicago School

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