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" Tour met all my expectations and more. It will be one of my happy memories. I will be booking more tours with MRT! " Classical Turkey - Greeks and Romans in Anatolia
" I was unfamiliar with the area and was pleased to learn about the art, history and culture of such a beautiful region. Highlights for me were the Pacher altarpiece in Gries, the whole of the visit to Merano, the winery visit and the visit to Schloss Ambrass. " Medieval Art in the Italian Alps - From the Dolomites to Innsbruck
" I had a spectacular time. Our tour manager and lecturer were excellent, the members of the group so lovely, and the art tour itself was brilliant. " Art in the Netherlands - A spectrum of the finest
" The private visits to the Sistine chapel and Vatican Museum were an absolute highlight. It was so special to be there without the crowds and with plenty of time just to stand and stare. " Essential Rome - The complete spectrum of art, architecture and antiquities
" This tour provided an impressive introduction to the city. We were able to build upon information each day, and I felt we saw many different parts of the city. " Connoisseur’s Prague - Art, architecture and design, with privileged access

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